Request A Sample

At PT Fashion and Apparel Sourcing, we believe in the quality and craftsmanship of our products. To help you make an informed decision, we offer international buyers the opportunity to request a sample of our garments. Whether you’re interested in our denim apparel, knitwear, formal wear, or party dresses, we’re here to provide you with a firsthand look at our products.

Why Request A Sample

Assess Quality

Experience the premium materials and superior craftsmanship that go into each of our products.

Evaluate Fit and Style

Ensure that our designs meet your expectations in terms of fit, style, and comfort.

Make Decisions

See and feel the product before placing a bulk order to ensure it aligns with your brand’s standards.

How to Request a Sample?

Fill out the form below with your details, and our team will get in touch with you to confirm your request and arrange for shipping.
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